Friday, November 19, 2010

Learn To Crochet....or at least try.

     I'm so glad it's Friday...not only is it Friday but its the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break! And! It's my 2 year anniversary with J.B. I want to see the new Harry Potter movie. Woohoo!

Anyways, since I ran out of yarn for my Ellis dress I made a trip to the store yesterday (only to find, YET AGAIN, they did not have the same kind of yarn I had been using) and picked up some needles. Here is the loot. 1 set of 16" size 7 (4.5mm) needles and 1 set of 24" size 7 needles. Both by Clover. I like clover, they meld reasonable price and quality well. They aren't my favorite needles I've ever held, but they are good for the prices.

And since I worked some ungodly hours yesterday evening, I had a friend of mine (Kendra) come visit me. She is a life long crocheter and I can't work with a hook to save my life. So we decided to trade crafts. I taught her how to knit (she did quite well if I do say so) and she TRIED to teach me how to crochet. Let me tell you that knitting is MUCH, MUCH easier.  After several attempts at random things I finally came up with this....

As far as I know...the pattern she had me doing was single crochet (SC) 5 loops, then skip 2 loops then SC 5 more loops then in the 6th loop sc 3 times (in the same loop!) and well...repeat. I think it looks like a crown. Now that I have some grasp on the craft, I might just try to expand upon it. Over the break (in between working like a mad women and studying for finals of course) I might even attempt to crochet a real thing. Something with a name, and maybe (if i'm feeling very adventurous) a use! Like a doiley or a dishcloth! Kendra was able to complete a knitted dish cloth yesterday (even if there were a couple shakey rows lol) and she was very proud! I was impressed with her. She was working on the most adorable crocheted baby blanket ever and I could kick myself, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
     So tonight (hopefully after Harry Potter!) I will be making another trip to another craft store in search of more yarn. I vow to have this Ellis dress completed by Sunday. I also need to get a good start on my christmas gift projects and finish that toe up sock (I have one already done).

Simba and Snookie hugging! I <3 my sweet little babies!

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